torsdag 19 augusti 2010

The Church Union - anglikanska aKF väljer väg

The Church Union, eller anglikanska aKF, deklarerar sitt uttåg ur den anglikanska kyrkogemenskapen. Frågan är om detta säger mer om situationen i den anglikanska kyrkogemenskapen eller den dogmatiska skillnaden mellan dem och den svenska högkyrkligheten. Klart är i vart fall att de gör ett tydligt val som tycks baseras på såväl dogmatiska som kyrkopolitiska hänsynstaganden. Att det dessutom är ett uttryck för det vrakgods som modernismen lämnar efter sig efter att de lagt sin dödshand på de västeuropeiska kyrkosamfunden.

De skriver bl.a. följande.

A Message from Bishop Edwin Barnes

President of The Church Union

There are some in the Church of England, who call themselves Catholics, yet say they are waiting on the Synod before deciding what they should do. This is futile. We have depended on Synod ever since 1992, and with each new step down the primrose path of so-called 'liberalism' we have been betrayed and deceived ever further. It will be no different with Synod this time round, and we are tired of waiting for others to make decisions for us.

The Church Union has always declared that the Church of England is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. What the Archbishops' ruse would achieve at best is that PART of the Church of England might still claim to be Catholic. For us, that is hopeless. Either the Church as a whole is Catholic, or it is not. The last two hundred years have been spent trying to persuade our Church that it is Catholic, or it is nothing. Well, we have failed.

Thanks be to God, that is not the end of the matter. If the Church of England has discarded its last Catholic credentials, there is another way open to us - the way set out by Pope Benedict in his call to Anglicans, "Anglicanorum Coetibus".

These are exciting times; and the Church Union intends to play its part.

+ Edwin Barnes

Var och en måste välja sin väg. Varje väg får konsekvenser för den egna bekännelsen och för det egna samvetet.

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